

My name is Joanna.  This site is mainly about writing and life.  It is a place to share stories, fiction and non-fiction; reflections on life, love, God, writings, and Scripture; and whimsy from poems, humor, and all sorts of general craziness.

I’m sure the areas will grow, and someday all of this wonderful stuff may move to a new website–but those plans are for the future as my ideas for a different website will be remain a secret until…until I want to share.

If you visit, and you enjoyed something you read, or want to read more, please let me know.  Feedback, however minor, is a help because it informs me that I’m not just writing stuff…for myself to read.  Which, beyond boring, is quite pathetic.

So today is June 30th, 2012, and this site is just starting up so if the date is anywhere close to today…frankly, you’re going to have to come back for something to read later–I’m just getting started.

Thanks for visiting,


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